112-120 points from 2 or 3 A levels, or equivalent, with 32 points from a relevant subject (Physics, Mathematics, Further Mathematics, Statistics, Electronics).

UCAS Tariff Entry Requirement 112-120
UCAS Tariff Further Details 112-120 points from 2 or 3 A levels, or equivalent, with 32 points from a relevant subject (Physics, Mathematics, Further Mathematics, Statistics, Electronics).

Interview Required? No
Portfolio Required? No
Admissions Test Required? No
Audition Required No
Occupational Health Check Required No
Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) Check Required No
Letter of good conduct No
Other Required No

GCSE GCSE English, Mathematics and Science at grade C or above, or equivalent/GCSE English, Mathematics and Science at grade 4 or above, or equivalent.
Are Key Skills acceptable in lieu of GCSEs? Yes
Are Functional Skills acceptable in lieu of GCSEs? Yes
Are Scottish Core Skills acceptable in lieu of GCSEs? No